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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

Table of Contents
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A Set System Polynomial with Colouring and Reliability Applications

Jason I. Brown and Charles J. Colbourn

pp. 151-157

Wide-Sense Nonblocking Networks

Paul Feldman, Joel Friedman, and Nicholas Pippenger

pp. 158-173

From Linear Separability to Unimodality: A Hierarchy of Pseudo-Boolean Functions

P. L. Hammer, B. Simeone, Th. M. Liebling, and D. de Werra

pp. 174-184

On Short Noncontractible Cycles in Embedded Graphs

Joan P. Hutchinson

pp. 185-192

Self-Complementary Normal Bases in Finite Fields

Abraham Lempel and Marcelo J. Weinberger

pp. 193-198

On the Optimal Strongly Connected Orientations of City Street Graphs I: Large Grids

Fred S. Roberts and Yonghua Xu

pp. 199-222

An Optimality Criterion for Graph Embeddings of Metrics

J. M. S. Simões-Pereira

pp. 223-229

A Combinatorial Approach to Threshold Schemes

D. R. Stinson and S. A. Vanstone

pp. 230-236

The Union of Matroids and the Rigidity of Frameworks

Walter Whiteley

pp. 237-255

A Fundamental Monotonicity in Group Testing

Y. C. Yao and F. K. Hwang

pp. 256-259

Almost Every Randomly Near-Traceable Graph has Diameter at Most Two

Bing Zhou

pp. 260-268